




Real Estate

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Introduction to

About Richr

Richr empowers home owners to make more money on the sale of their home at closing and beyond. With only 1% commission paid at closing, sellers can list their home for free with no commitment. By choosing to Richr, sellers get exclusive access to Richr Money -- the first wealth management solution designed specifically for home sellers.

richr seller flow mobile snapshots


Richr engaged Two Point One at a pivotal moment – preparing for national expansion while developing an industry disrupting financial product that would serve as the focal point of the upcoming fundraise. With technical debt and a product roadmap filled with question marks from previous developers, Two Point One was tasked with multiple high need projects, mission critical infrastructure updates and an overhaul of the entire technical development process.

richr brief section

By creating stability and establishing best practices, Richr entered the next phase of company growth with confidence, and even more importantly, a trusted expert by their side supporting all product, engineering and design needs.

Stability and Trust

With a laundry list of high ticket items, Two Point One entered and quickly prioritized the most pressing needs with a focus on creating stability and trust across every Richr touchpoint. By addressing the features prospective customers engaged with first, and improving the core foundation of which all of Richr is built upon, Two Point One was able to overhaul the Richr website and listing process for better performance, with faster load times and better user experiences.

richr landing page ui snapshot

A Path Forward

Once all mission critical backend upgrades were made, Two Point One shifted from triage and cleanup mode, with an immediate focus on recovering a fragmented backend with loads of technical debt, to strategic partners helping to craft the entire Richr user journey and achieve business goals.

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The ability to manage heavy technical lifts while simultaneously providing product, design and user experience expertise created trust between Two Point One and Richr – the key to a successful client - agency relationship, and even more important when the goal is to build and deliver world class solutions that innovate industries.

Implementation &

In order to build solutions that are truly disruptive, while being mindful of the needs and resources behind a growing startup, Richr needed an overhaul of not only the digital solutions themselves, but the process in how they operate.

Richr Implementation & Strategy

Building a World Class Conversion Funnel

To become a player in competitive residential Real Estate is all about conversions. In order to achieve the sales goals, Richr needed to improve its ability to capture prospective home sellers and turn interest into qualified leads. During the initial phases of development it became increasingly clear that Richr was losing out on new customers every day.

sales funnel for richr

By focusing on the top of the sales funnel – specifically, the first impression of a new Richr visitor – Two Point One identified pain points and areas of high friction within the user journey that caused drop offs and quickly shifted the focus to making sign ups and listing your home as easy as possible. This change alone delivered a 5x increase in self-service sign ups within the first 3 weeks alone.

Home Valuation Tool

Generating new qualified leads is a challenge for any business and Richr is no exception. Understanding the customer journey, and the steps they take throughout the decision making process is a must.

richr - a home valuation tool

Two Point One developed a proprietary Home Valuation tool as a means to generate conversations with potential home sellers before they even decide to list their home. The Home Valuation Tool leverages multiple 3rd party APIs as well as creative UX features that capture attention and generate new leads, creating a healthy, diversified sales pipeline.


What started as a recovery project quickly turned into an ongoing engagement structured in a way that solves the most pressing business challenges while establishing a trusted partnership between agency and client. With Two Point One by their side, Richr is prepared for their next phase of growth and future investment rounds.

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